Friday, 27 September 2013


                                    WHAT IS TAJWEED?

Tajweed when related to the Holy Quran, means recita­tion of the Holy Quran in the way the prophet Muham­mad (PBUH) recited the Quran. Tajweed in gen­eral means ‘to make it fine”. As the Holy prophet was the only per­son who pro­duced the right­est pro­nun­ci­a­tion of the Almighty’s words in the Holy Quran. It is there­fore imper­a­tive to learn Tajweed to apply the same to read the Holy Quran for get­ting exact pro­nun­ci­a­tion and mean­ings of the Quran words..

Why Learn­ing Tajweed is Necessary
Learn­ing Tajweed is nec­es­sary because the glo­ri­ous Islam expanded in just a few decades of its incep­tion to most part of the world. The peo­ple belonged to dif­fer­ent regions in the world and so did their lan­guages. Even alpha­bets of the lan­guages were dif­fer­ent. The Holy Quran is for the entire world and uptil the Day of Judg­ment. With the spread of Islam, Arab and Non-Arab were mixed together but they had much dif­fer­ence in their lan­guages and accents. Even most of the Arabs can not read the Holy Quran with Tajweed. At that time it was feared that in the absence of Tajweed, if the orig­i­nal spo­ken words of the prophets are not pre­served, it might lead to dis­tor­tion of pro­nun­ci­a­tion in the days to come. It was there­fore nec­es­sary that Tajweed rules should be sci­en­tif­i­cally out­lined on uni­form basis for Arabs and Non-Arabs for pre­serv­ing the same word­ing, sounds, accent, pro­nun­ci­a­tion and mean­ings. It is nec­es­sary both for Arabs and Non Arabs to learn Tajweed and apply the Tajweed Rules while read­ing Holy Quran.

Who set the Basic Tajweed Rules and what is the authen­tic­ity of Tajweed rules
No other than the prophet Muham­mad PBUP; as the Holy Quran was revealed to him from Allah the almighty through the most respon­si­ble angel, Jibreel, who instructed the prophet, PBUH how to pro­nounce the words of the Holy Quran. The prophet Muham­mad PBUH taught these rules to his com­pan­ions and they did the same to the fol­low­ers and so on till this day. There­fore it can be surely said that these Tajweed rules were set by the prophet Muham­mad (PBUH) which are being fol­lowed in let­ter and spirit by all reciters of the Holy Quran who recite Holy Quran using the Tajweed rules.

Holy Quran Teach­ing with Tajweed.
Al syed Quran Acadmey is teach­ing Holy Quran with Tajweed online, where the tutors are well qual­i­fied in teach­ing with Tajweed rules. A sep­a­rate Tajweed Course is also orga­nized every now and then for the learn­ers so that they can read the Holy Quran with Tajweed.
                              contact us
Online Quran Teaching
skype id ubaid322

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