Thursday, 27 June 2013

is an Quran322
is an online Quran tutoring academy providing its services to national and international level. We know that due to your busy life it’s very difficult for you to manage to go to some Madarsa to learn Quran and female teachers are not easily approachable for women and girls of your family to get Islamic and Quranic education.
Stop worrying about all above issues:
  1. Learn with the ease of your own place and own suitable time.
  2. See your child learning Quran in front of your eyes.
  3. One on one classes 5 days a week. (Individual attention)
  4. Beside Quran recitation we teach basics of Islam like Namaz, Six Kalmas, Masnoon Duas and proper way of Waddu.
  5. We have well educated teachers (Male and Female) with vast experience of teaching online Quran with proper tajweed rules.
  6. We offer 3 days free trial classes to you to evaluate our level of service.  
  7.                        Skype User ID: ubaid322
  8. Email Address:
  9. Cell Phone:  0092-322-2984599

1 comment:

  1. I like your post. It is good to see you verbalize from the heart and clarity on this important subject can be easily observed. Learning about Quran is an essential part of a Muslim life. Frequently learning and perusing of Quran begin before some other formal instruction. It is imperative to comprehend Quran to live as indicated by the rules of Allah Almighty. Comprehension and learning of Quran are winding up more imperative in the present period on the grounds that the Muslims are scarcely making due on the planet nowadays. Study Islam Onine Information
